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   Great Craic At Barbeque - 09/08/2006

The annual Barbeque was held on Saturday 5 August at Dungannon Park. The day was perfect for the event dry, warm but not too sunny. The facilities were excellent except for the wasps (remember insect repellent next year). As usual our member Alan Hughes provided a fantastic meal of Sirlion Steak or breast of chicken with a delicious salad. This year he even provided a sweet of the most refreshing fresh fruit salad.

Members came from as far a field as Rasharkin, Cookstown, Armagh, Dundonald, Belfast, Bangor and of course Ballyclare.

After enjoying the wonderful food we relaxed and enjoyed the banter for a few hours. Paddy told us so much about his book that we won’t have to go out and buy it. Rumour has it that Leonardo Di Caprio has been signed to play the young Paddy and Mel Gibson the older Paddy in the movie. The launch of the book will be another day out for polio members if Paddy can ever pick a name for this epic.

There were also stories of things that went on when we were in hospital. How many remember that we each had a unique number which was published in the paper each day with a code that showed your condition? Margaret McMullan explained how her parents looked at this each day to see how she was. In those days most people did have cars or telephones and the hospital was a distance away. This was a way of keeping parents informed.

As the day wore on Eddie threatened to sing and at this stage everyone decided to head for home.

A wonderful day was had by all and we hope that next year even more members will come along and make enjoy the craic.

Briege and Lorna listen as PJ gives the details of his book
Eddie McCrory (01/01/2006)

Helen reads the first draft of PJ's book while Briege rings Di Caprio to take the lead in the film
Eddie McCrory (01/08/2006)

Alan Hughes preparing the food
Eddie McCrory (01/01/2006)

Eddie McCrory still spolit for choice
Rodney Barkley (01/08/2006)

Eddie McCrory gets first choice of steak from master chef Alan Hughes
Rodney Barkley (01/08/2006)

Easy on there is plenty for everyone says Ronnie Connolly
Rodney Barkley (01/08/2006)

Shoulders back and chest out says Briege Torrans
Rodney Barkley (08/05/2006)

Move on Ronnie the rest of us have to get some says Margaret McMullan
Rodney Barkley (01/08/2006)

Eddie McCrory